Sermons from April 2023
Back to Sermon ArchiveApril 30, 2023
The Dead Hear the Voice of the Son of God
Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Gospel of John Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: John 11:38–44
April 23, 2023
Jesus, Mary, and the Mourners
Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Gospel of John Passage: John 11:28–37
April 16, 2023
Jesus Resurrected and Ascended
Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Easter Passage: Luke 24:50–53, Acts 1:1–11, Daniel 7:9–14, Acts 2:16–36
April 2, 2023
Christ, the Suffering Servant
Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Easter Passage: Isaiah 52:14– 54:17