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Sermons from 2019

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December 22, 2019

A Dragon, a Woman, and a Child

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Christmas Passage: Luke 1:46–50, Luke 2:10–14, Revelation 12:1–10

December 15, 2019

The Incarnation of the Son of God

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Doctrines Topic: Incarnation Passage: Genesis 1:26–27, Matthew 1:18–23

December 8, 2019

Jesus' Love for the Children

Speaker: Jon Ledbetter Series: Miscellaneous Passage: Mark 10:13–16

December 1, 2019

Justifcation and Sanctification

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Theology Passage: Romans 3:21– 8:2

November 24, 2019

The Believer's Unfailing Security

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 8:31–39, Revelation 12:1–11

November 17, 2019

Predestined for Glorification

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Predestination Passage: Romans 8:28–30

November 10, 2019

All Things Work Together for Good

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 8:28–30

November 3, 2019

The Spirit Prays for the Believer

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Prayer Passage: Romans 8:26–28

October 27, 2019

Spirit-Filled Vocation

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Christian Living Passage: Romans 8:18–25

October 20, 2019

Our Bodily Redemption in Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 8:18–25

October 13, 2019

The Glory of the New Creation

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Passage: Romans 8:18–25

October 6, 2019

Adopted as Heirs with Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Holy Spirit Passage: Romans 8:11–17

September 29, 2019

Living Between Two Worlds

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Holy Spirit Passage: Romans 8:5–11

September 22, 2019

The Spirit Liberates in Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 8:1–4

September 15, 2019

Flesh & Spirit

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Christian Living Passage: Romans 7:13–25

September 8, 2019

The Law is not Sin

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 7:7–12

September 1, 2019

Dead to the Law; Alive in Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Christian Living Passage: Romans 7:1–6, Jeremiah 31:31–34, Hebrews 8:6–13

August 25, 2019

A Tabernacle for Yahweh

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Topic: Theology Passage: Exodus 25, Exodus 32, Exodus 40:16–38, John 1

August 18, 2019

Exodus: The Covenant of Sinai

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Passage: Exodus 19:4–6, Romans 6:16–19, Exodus 18:1–12

August 11, 2019

Exodus: Tested in the Wilderness

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Passage: Exodus 16

August 4, 2019

A Pastoral Charge to Timothy

Speaker: Ken Endean Topic: Ordination Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1–7, 3 John 1:4

August 4, 2019

Three Contexts for Ordination

Speaker: Brent Cook Topic: Ordination Passage: Acts 16:1–3, 1 Timothy 3:1

July 28, 2019

Living with Wisdom

Speaker: Tim Endean Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Christian Living Passage: James 3:13–17

July 21, 2019

Three Marks of Spirit-Led Church

Speaker: Marshall Fant Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Christian Living Passage: Galatians 6:1–10

July 14, 2019

The Song of the Redeemed

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Passage: Exodus 15:1–21, Exodus 6:2–3

July 7, 2019

Exodus: The Passover Story

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Passage: Exodus 11:1– 12:28

June 30, 2019

Exodus: A Contest of Gods

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Passage: Exodus 8–10, Romans 1

June 23, 2019

Yahweh and the King

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Passage: Exodus 5:1– 6:8, Exodus 12:30–32

June 16, 2019

A Wet Bar of Soap: Fathers Day 2019

Speaker: Marshall Fant Topic: Fathers Passage: Luke 1:8–17, Ephesians 6:4

June 9, 2019

God Calls a Leader

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Topic: Leadership Passage: Exodus 2–4

June 2, 2019

Exodus in Canonical Context

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Topic: Gospel Passage: Exodus 1:1– 2:9, Genesis 6:1–3, Genesis 9:1, Genesis 12:1–3, Genesis 12:10–20, Exodus 3:13–14, Revelation 12:1–5, Revelation 12:13–16,

May 26, 2019

Exodus: God Reveals His Name

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Exodus Topic: Theology Passage: Exodus 6:2–8, Exodus 3:13–15, Joel 2:32

May 12, 2019

God Sanctifies Human Life

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Mothers

May 5, 2019

The Mountain Was Full

Speaker: Jon Ledbetter Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Christian Living Passage: 2 Kings 6, Psalm 34:4–7, Psalm 91, Psalm 121

April 28, 2019

Justification & Sanctification

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 6:19–22, Ephesians 2, James 2:14

April 21, 2019

The Easter Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Topic: Easter

April 14, 2019

Jesus Comes to Jerusalem

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:1–11

April 7, 2019

Freedom in Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Theology Passage: Romans 6:15–23,

March 31, 2019

Union with Christ, Power over Sin

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 6:1–14

March 24, 2019

Two Humanities in Adam and Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 5:12–21

March 17, 2019

Dead in Adam, Alive in Christ, Part 2

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Theology Passage: Romans 5:12–21

March 10, 2019

Death in Adam, Alive in Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Theology Passage: Romans 5:12–21

March 3, 2019

Justification Defended

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Theology Passage: Romans 3–5

February 24, 2019

Results of Justification, Part 2

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 5:1–11

February 17, 2019

Results of Justification, Part 1

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 5:1–11

February 10, 2019

Justification of Old & New Testament Believers

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 4:13–25

February 3, 2019

How Can a man Be Just with God?

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Gospel Passage: Romans 4:1–13

January 27, 2019

God Reveals His Righteousness

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Theology Passage: Romans 3:21–31

January 20, 2019

The Church Reflects God's Wisdom

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Miscellaneous Topic: Ordination Passage: Ephesians 2:11– 3:10

January 13, 2019

Universal Condemnation

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Theology Passage: Romans 3:1–20

January 6, 2019

Warnings Against Ethnic Pride

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Romans Topic: Christian Living Passage: Romans 2:17–29