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Exposition through the first gospel, emphasizing the person and work of Jesus and the gospel of His kingdom.

April 14, 2019

Jesus Comes to Jerusalem

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 21:1–11

June 17, 2018

Jesus, King Forever

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Resurrection Passage: Matthew 28:11–20

June 10, 2018

Jesus Resurrected, Part 2

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Resurrection Passage: Matthew 27:55– 28:15

June 3, 2018

Jesus Resurrected

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Resurrection Passage: Matthew 27:55– 28:15

May 27, 2018

Jesus' Uncommon Death on a Common Cross

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 27:45

May 20, 2018

The Scandal of the Cross

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 27:27–44

May 13, 2018

Jesus Betrayed and Condemned

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 27:1–26

April 29, 2018

Peter Denies his Lord

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 26:30–35, Matthew 26:69–75

April 22, 2018

Why Was Jesus Condemned?

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 26:57–68

April 15, 2018

Jesus and Judas

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 26

April 8, 2018

Gethsemane: Valley of the Shadow of Death

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 26:35–46

March 25, 2018

The King Who Comes to Die

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 26:30–46

March 18, 2018

The Final Passover

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 26:17–30, Psalm 118, John 14–17

March 11, 2018

Jesus, Sovreign over the Final Week

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 26

February 25, 2018

The Passover King

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 26:1–5

February 18, 2018

Jesus Judges the Nations

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 25:31–46

February 11, 2018

Prepare for Jesus' Coming

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 24:36– 25:30

February 4, 2018

The Coming of the Son of Man, Part 3

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 24:36–44, Acts 1:6–11, Hebrews 1:2–3

January 28, 2018

The Coming of the Son of Man, Part 2

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 24:29–36

January 21, 2018

The Coming of the Son of Man

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 24:29–44, Daniel 7:9, Matthew 8:20, Matthew 10:23, Matthew 16:27–28

January 14, 2018

Judgement on Jerusalem

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 24:15–22

January 7, 2018

Jesus' Astonishing Predictions

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 24:5–21, Luke 19:43–44

December 3, 2017

The Sign of the End

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 24:1–15

November 26, 2017

Manifesto of the King

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 24:1–44, Luke 21:20, Mark 13:10

November 19, 2017

Surveying the Olivet Discourse

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 24

November 12, 2017

Surveying the Olivet Discourse

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Prophecy Passage: Matthew 24, Revelation 1:1, Psalm 103:19, Daniel 4:3, Luke 22:29

September 3, 2017

Judgment on Jerusalem

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 23:34–39, 2 Chronicles 24:20–22

August 27, 2017

Protecting Our Hearts from Legalism

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Christian Living Passage: Matthew 23:1–36, Galatians 4:1–7

August 6, 2017

Cultivating a Scripturally Informed Conscience

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Christian Living Passage: Matthew 23:23–24, Matthew 23:15, Matthew 23:25–28, Psalm 150, Psalm 149:3, Exodus 15:20

July 30, 2017

Seven Woes Upon the Scribes and Pharisees

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: True Christianity Passage: Matthew 23:13–36

July 23, 2017

Avoiding Religious Hypocricy

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Christian Living Passage: Matthew 23:1–12

June 25, 2017

Purity in Religion

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 23:1–3

June 11, 2017

Jesus Rejects Religious Hypocrisy

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 23:1–12, Matthew 5:1–6

June 4, 2017

David's Son, David's Lord

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: John 1:1–51, Matthew 22:41–46

May 21, 2017

The Great Commandment

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 22:34–40

April 30, 2017

Two Revolutionary Questions

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 22:15–33

April 23, 2017

Matthew Exhibits Christ's Authority

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 22:15–45, Psalm 2:1–12

April 9, 2017

Jesus and the New Covenant

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Luke 24:13–27, Isaiah 53, Jeremiah 31:31–34, Matthew 23:37–38, Matthew 24, Hebrews 8:6–13, Romans 11:1–33

April 2, 2017

Three Revolutionary Parables

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Kingdom of Heaven Passage: Matthew 21:28– 22:14, John 2:13–22, Matthew 27:39–42, Ephesians 2:19–21, 1 Corinthians 1:26–31

March 26, 2017

Matthew Introduces a King

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:23– 22:14, Mark 12:1–12, Luke 20:1–19

March 19, 2017

The Authority of the Son of Man

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:23– 22:14, Daniel 7:13–14, Psalm 118:22–23, Psalm 110:1–4

March 12, 2017

Jesus Demonstrates His Authority

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:23–27

March 5, 2017

Jesus' Unique Authority

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:23–27, Deuteronomy 30:1–10, Ezekiel 41:8, Ezekiel 43:1–7, Daniel 2:44, Daniel 7:13–14, Matthew 28:18

February 26, 2017

Jesus Curses the Fig Tree

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:18–21, Mark 11:12–26

February 19, 2017

Jesus' Jerusalem Miracles

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:14, Leviticus 21:17–21, 2 Samuel 5:8, Isaiah 35:5, Matthew 9:27

February 12, 2017

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:12–13

February 5, 2017

The Indentity of the Temple Cleanser

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 21:9–17, Psalm 8, 1 Chronicles 17:11–15, Isaiah 56:7, Psalm 118:25–26

January 29, 2017

The Lord Comes to His Temple

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:12–17, John 2:13–22

January 22, 2017

When God Became King

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:1–11, Psalm 18:7, Psalm 2:7–12, Malachi 4:1–5, Malachi 3:1

January 15, 2017

The King Comes to Jerusalem

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:1–11, Zechariah 9:9–10, Zechariah 14:1–4

December 18, 2016

The King Comes to Jerusalem

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Psalm 2

December 11, 2016


Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 21:1–11

December 4, 2016

Along the Road to Jerusalem

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Kingdom of Heaven Passage: Matthew 20:17–34

November 20, 2016

Rewards in the Kingdom

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Kingdom of Heaven Passage: Matthew 19:27– 20:16

November 13, 2016

Entering the Kingdom of Heaven

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Kingdom of Heaven Passage: Matthew 19:13–26

November 6, 2016

Jesus' Teaching on Marriage

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Marriage Passage: Matthew 19:1–12

October 16, 2016

Generous Gospel Forgiveness

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Forgiveness Passage: Matthew 18:21–35

October 9, 2016

Accountability in the Church

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Church Discipline Passage: Matthew 18:15–20, 1 Corinthians 5:1–13, 1 John 2:18–22

October 2, 2016

Living Responsibly in the Kingdom

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Life of Jesus Passage: Matthew 18:15–20

September 25, 2016

Children and the Kingdom

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: Children Passage: Matthew 18:1–14

September 18, 2016

The Journey to Jerusalem Begins

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Topic: The Journey to Jerusalem Passage: Matthew 17:14–27

December 13, 2015

The King Commissions Disciples

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 9:35– 10:7

November 29, 2015

Who Is the Son of Man?

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 8:19–20, Matthew 9:1–17, Daniel 7:13–14

November 22, 2015

Jesus' Miracles Demand a Verdict

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 8:18–34

November 15, 2015

Jesus' Healing Ministry

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 8:1–17

November 8, 2015

Jesus' Concluding Appeal

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:13–29

November 1, 2015

The Father's Goodness

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:7–12

October 18, 2015

Judgment of Judgmentalism

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 7:1–6, Philippians 3:2–8

October 4, 2015

Jesus' Attitude Toward Anxiety

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:19–34

September 20, 2015

Jesus Warns Against Hypocritical Religion

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 6:1–18

September 13, 2015

Christ Intensifies the Law's Demands (Part 2)

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:33–48

September 6, 2015

Christ Intensifies the Law's Demands (Part 1)

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:21–32

August 30, 2015

Christ Fulfills the Law

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:17–20, Jeremiah 31:31–34

August 23, 2015

The Believer in the World

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:13–16

August 16, 2015

The Beatitudes (Part 3)

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:8–12

August 9, 2015

The Beatitudes (Part 2)

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:5–7

August 2, 2015

The Beatitudes (Part 1)

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 5:1–4

July 12, 2015

The Doctrine of the Kingdom of Heaven

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 4:17

July 5, 2015

The Beginning of Jesus' Galilean Ministry

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 4:12–25

June 28, 2015

Jesus in the Wilderness of Temptation

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 4:1–11

June 21, 2015

The Baptism of Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 3:13–17

June 7, 2015

The King's Great Ambassador

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 3:1–12

May 31, 2015

The King Despised from Birth

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 2:13–23

May 24, 2015

Introducing the Person of Jesus Christ

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 2:1–12

May 17, 2015

The Virginal Conception

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 1:18–25

May 10, 2015

Reading Matthew

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew

May 3, 2015

The Matthean Genealogy

Speaker: Brent Cook Series: Matthew Passage: Matthew 1:1–17